Final press release and Proceedings

The 4th edition of the World Leather Congress, organized by ICT (International Council of Tanners), LIA (Leather Industries of America) and ICHSLTA (International Council of Hides, Skins and Leather Traders of America), in collaboration with Lineapelle, took place on last July 16, in the prestigious location of the Metropolitan Pavilion, in New York.

Over 200 people (almost two thirds from the US) attended the event, including many fashion and design students and brands. The main objective of the event was to widespread knowledge of leather and promote its application as a manufacturing material among current and future industry operators and stakeholders.

The speeches on production process, culture, creativity, sustainability and innovation in the tanning sector during the morning sessions left room to the debate between representatives of the fashion, automotive and furniture industries in the afternoon. The speakers gave testimony to the importance of leather both in their everyday life and work, by telling the strategic role of this material in the success and prestige of their brands.

Leather was the undisputed protagonist also in the innovative challenge launched to 10 students of the Parsons School of Design through the “Leather Exhibit & Contest” in collaboration with Lineapelle. The creations of the young designers have been displayed during the Congress and judged by a jury of representatives from Lineapelle, as well as some of the WLC speakers. The emerging New York designer Ari Duhaney won the contest with a series of leather goods incorporating laser cutting.

Appointment with the next World Leather Congress in 2022 in Nairobi.

World Leather Congress

To download the 4th WLC proceedings, click here (link)

To watch the 4th WLC wrap-up clip, click here (link)

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